Monday, May 30, 2011

Applying The Wisdom of Toastmasters^^

Tanggal 20-22 Mei kemarin diriku mendapat kesempatan untuk pergi ke Kuching, semuanya berkat Toastmasters^^ Ijinkan diriku menulis speech berkesan yang kudapat dari convention di sana. Speech ini disampaikan oleh Datuk Seri Panglima Hassan Alban Sandukong, DTM. Inti speechnya adalah manfaat yang didapatkan dari mengikuti Toastmasters. Semoga setelah membaca ini, Anda boleh terinspirasi untuk mengikuti Toastmasters.

Applying the wisdom of Toastmasters helps improve:
  1. Our personal and family life
  2. The advancement of our career
  3. Our influence in the community
Apply and implement the 4D's of the learning process in the Toastmasters:
  1. Decision to learn, practice and improve ourselves
  2. Decision to focus on what we want to learn
  3. Determination to persist until we succeed
  4. Discipline to do whatever it takes to apply what we learn
To get the benefit from the Toastmasters, you should:
  • Read all the materials provided
  • Participate in all leadership, in clubs and out side activities. Leadership lies in doing: learning by doing
  • Take up roles in all club meeting. Remember to speak up in the meetings.
Toastmasters can give you the effectiveness in life, which is CASH of succesful people.
C : Character in the fondation of leadership. Know and practise the 4 Toastmaster's value. Integrity, dedication to excellence, service to members and respect for individual. Character gives us credibility and trustworshiness; the trade mark of the servant leader.

A : Attitude is how we respond to life's events. E Nightingale, "W become what we think about". Our attitude is out thought, feeling and action towards events in life. be a love giver of appreciation, admiration, and attention to our fellow Toastmasters friends. Remember: feedback is the breakfast of a champion. Getting and giving criticism in Toastmasters is the way to learn and improve our attitude in life.

S : Skills enable us get what we want in life: the skills of servants leadership. Leaders are made and leadership is influence. We learn how to lead by taking up roles as leaders in Clubs, Areas, Divisions and Districts. Learn to lead by 'knowing and doing'. The Toastmasters is the place to learn by doing. Important life skills are as follows: goal setting, listening, public speaking (persuasion), motivation, conducting meeting and cooperation.

H : Habits help us sustain our success. We are what we repeteadly do. There are 3 important habits we learn, practice and apply in Toastmasters: the habit of taking full responsibility for our personal growth, courage and confidence. Practice breeds competence. When we feel we are competent, we start to have self confidence and courage. Have the habit of 'bias for action' in life.

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